Next Partner Event June 2024: Information, Awards, Date


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The last partner event ended on May 21, 2024 and was called "Robo Partners". But a long-awaited new partner event, "Tycoon Racers", is coming soon to Monopoly GO, allowing you to play with your friends.

The partner event is a great way to win rewards. In this article, you'll find out all about the next partner event, but don't forget that the website provides a wealth of information about Monopoly GO, including the next Golden Blitz Monopoly GOor the Monopoly GO treasure events.

When is the next Monopoly GO Tycoon Racers partner event?

Tycoon Racers Partners event kicks off on June 12, 2024 at 5:00 pm until June 16, 2024 ! Please note that the date and time are still subject to change.and if so, I'll edit this article and let you know about Discord. And yes, theevent treasures ends on June 10, 2024 at 9:59pm, but Monopoly is already offering a new event! We'll just have to hang on, because Monopoly thinks we're inexhaustible!

A word of advice: prepare your partners in advance. Make sure you know in advance with whom you want to participate. I'll tell you more about the partner event below 😉

To be notified of every new partner event, join our Discord specially designed for Monopoly GO :

☑️Sois to find out about partner events more quickly Discord☑️

What are the rewards of the Tycoon Racers event?

Partner events are a great way to get great rewards. Personally, I find it a great way to get good boosts, such as the boost High Roller or a boost Boost d'Argent on Monopoly GO.

The final Tycoon Racers event prize consists of a Wild Sticker, a token (see image below) and 3500 dice ! To win this prize, your team must come first in the final ranking.

On the other hand, here is the pawn that can be won:

Illustration Monopoly GO Pawn to win Tycoon Racers partner event

What is the race partner event? How can you take part?

Up until now, partner events involved playing with 4 different friends, moving forward with each of them to build 4 buildings. So you had to play with 4 different friends (hence the fact that you'll earn rewards 4 times), building with 1 friend each time.

But for the next partner event, the rules are a little different! I've written to you an article dedicated to this new partner event Monopoly GO. Let me explain the principle briefly.

It's simply a race ! You need to put together a team of 4 players and start collect flags (flags = points), which will enable you to advance in the race.

If you can't find a team, you'll be put on the spot. automatically in a team at the start of the race ! So I strongly advise you to find a team of 4 active players to form an active team, and so arrive first more easily.

With each lap, you'll earn rewardsYou'll even have to choose between several rewards.

After each race, you earn medalsThese medals will be used to establish a ranking with the opposing teams. In fact, you'll have to face three other teams and try to finish first to get the best final reward! Also note that the last race (the final race), earns you twice as many medalswhich can change the final ranking!

Read also: is the expert on the game Monopoly GO, and as passionate experts on the game, we're here to share with you our infallible tips and methods that have enabled us to have accounts with over 400,000 dice and how to advance very quickly in the game. We've helped hundreds of thousands of players with our articles, Youtube videos and Discord/Facebook support - now it's your turn!

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2 comments on the discussion forum for "Next Partners Event June 2024: Information, Awards, Date"

  1. Hi there!
    I'd like to know if the flags remaining at the end of the 3 races turn into dice like the picks?
    Thank you for your answer, if you know it 😉


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