Tier list of Dungeon Crusher artifacts


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Let's take a look at the Tier List of artifacts in Dungeon Crusher.

The tier list will look better on your PC than on your phone for the time being.

The article is under construction and I will improve it during the week:

  • Add a French translation of each artifact
  • Make a Tier list with images (more visual)
  • See with more advanced players and get their opinions on what they think.

You can use the comment area to tell us what you think!

Tier List of Souls artifacts :

I've put the names like this: French / English / Russian.
As a reminder, artifacts are important for beginners, but by no means the most important thing in the game.

S++ rank artifact:

  • Faucheuses d’âmes (Soul Reaper/ Жнец душ)
  • Lampe des Spectres (Lamp of specters/ Лампа призраков)

(To farmer souls as much as possible, that's the priority!)

S+ rank artifact:

  • Graceful Dagger / Изящный кинжал
  • Gant de puissance / Strong Hand / Крепкая рука
  • Katar / Катар
  • Distorters of Time / Исказитель времени

(For PVP damage)

S rank artifact :

  • Amulet – Arrow Shower/ Талисман – Дождь из стрел
  • Amulette – Cri de guerre / Amulet – War Cry/ Талисман – Зов войны
  • Amulette – Fureur Primitive / Amulet – Primal Frenzy / Талисман – Первобытное бешенство
  • Amulet – Assasinate / Талисман – Покушение
  • Amulet – hand of Midas / Талисман – Рука Мидаса
  • Amulet – Gold Clover / Талисман – Золотой клевер

(To increase spell duration, the last two are for golds)

Artifact of rank A :

  • Cristal du temps / Crystal of Time / Кристалл времени
  • Amulet of power / Талисман силы
  • Patte de lapin / Rabbit’s Foot / Кроличья лапка
  • Amulette de Midas / Midas Amulet / Амулет Мидаса
  • Chaudron d’or / Pot of gold / Горшок золота

Rank B artifact:

  • Hache Runique / Runestone Axe / Рунный топор
  • Poupée vaudou / Cursed Doll / Проклятая кукла
  • Cœur de lion / Lion’s heart / Львиное сердце
  • Sand of TIme / Песок времени
  • Amulette Maudite / Cursed Amulet / Проклятый амулет
  • Téléporteur / Spatial Portal / Пространственный портал

Artifact useful but not the priority

Artifact of rank C :

  • Magic Bag / Волшебная сумка
  • Mimic / Мимик
  • Key of daemons / Ключ демонов
  • Tambour de la terreur / Drum of fear / Устрашающий барабан

Priority = Go for Soul Reaper and Lamp of Specters, you need to have them in the first 7 you buy, otherwise I personally find it really expensive to reload and you lose a lot of souls.

For the

  • Téléporteur / Spatial Portal / Пространственный портал utile quand vous voulez monter beaucoup plus rapidement et moins besoin de farmer les premiers niveaux.

Drum of Fear lets you go faster BUT you farmez fewer resources, so it's up to you to decide what type of game you play (I prefer to farmer, so I've set it to E tiers).

The Tier List of heart artifacts :

S rank artifact :

  • Katar Sanglant / Bloody Katar / Кровавый катар
  • Gant Sanglant / Bloody glove / Кровавая перчатка

Artifact of rank A :

  • Chaudron Sanglant / Bloody pot / Кровавый горшок

Rank B artifact:

  • Hache d’armes Sanglante / Bloody Poleaxe / Кровавая секира
  • Hache Sanglante / Bloody Axe / Кровавый топор
  • Poupée Sanglante / Bloody Doll / Кровавая кукла

Artifact purchase price:

Number Cost Reloading
1 3 1
2 35 12
3 125 42
4 250 84
5 500 167
6 800 267
7 1200 400
8 1700 567
9 2200 734
10 2750 917
11 3400 1134
12 4100 1367
13 5000 1667
14 6000 2000
15 7500 2500
16 10,000 3334
17 12,500 4167
18 16,000 5334
19 25,000 8334
20 35,000 11,667
21 50,000 16,667
22 70,000 23,334
23 100,000 33,334
24 100,000 33,334
25 100,000 33,334
26 100,000 33,334
27 100,000 33,334


Purchasing artifacts with hearts does not affect the cost of purchasing artifacts for souls, nor the cost of updating the store.


To play the game on your PC


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