What is stalking?


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Does being bullied online mean anything to you? Does stalking speak to you? Indeed, many are victims of it today. So, through this article, we are going to inform you about what stalking is. Indeed, at present, this term has no agreed definition, especially in the legal field. Find out exactly what it is below.

Example of software allowing stalking:

(Image of a person who was stalked. Image taken from the Internet)

What is the definition of stalking?

According to the American Association of National Centers for Victims of Crime, stalking is a behavior that continues towards a person and that can induce fear in this person. However, this is still a somewhat vague definition of harassment compared to what the victim actually experiences. Indeed, identifying harassing behavior is a bit complicated, because it cannot really be proven that the behavior causes fear.

But in France, the definition of harassment is similar to that proposed by the NCVC. According to article 222-33-2-2 of the French penal code, harassing a person with words Where repeated behaviors having for object Where resulting in a deterioration of his living conditions resulting in deterioration in physical or mental health is a form of harassment.

Clinically speaking, harassment can result in persistent and unwanted attention. Additionally, Pathé and Mullen proposed the following definition in 1997: constellation of behaviors where an individual inflicts to another of the repeated and unwanted intrusions and communications. In fact, stalking is then a more serious form of bullying. These are intrusive behaviors of the stalker in the life of the victim. Stalkers harass to do this.

How is stalking presented?

stalking comes in many forms, whether it be physically Where virtually. However, these days it happens very often on the internet, especially on social media.

physical monitoring

An unknown person follow you anywhere : at the corner of your street, at your work, with your friends, etc.


After following, the person will spy on you:

  • She may be following you on social media, reacts to your posts by texting you obsessively;
  • Contacting your loved ones, or some susceptible people to provide information about you;
  • posing technological devices to access your communications or monitor you;

He this person may have access to your personal information by spying on your phone. It could use Mspy, the software designed to spy on smartphones to monitor you. Remember to protect your phone to avoid this kind of tracking.

Repeated harassment

After that, the stalker will will always contact. He will leave you constantly messages, or even send messages on social networks. You will even be surprised To receive presents Where packages from your home.

direct contact

the stalker will come also your house for you talk, threaten you or even you chase. Violence and aggression are inevitable in these situations.

The harassment

Finally, the stalker will publish true information Where false about you and your private life. He can do euphemisms or you threaten.

All these forms of bullying are sure to scare you.

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