Guide to Incarnate Artifact and Mastery - Raid Shadow Legends

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Mastery, grace and artifact guide to The Incarnate on RSL
Last name The Incarnate (L'incarnée)
Notice  Read Alucare's review of : L'incarnée
Masters  Mastery for : Incarnate
Graces Graces for : The Incarnate
Mastery, grace and artifact guide to The Incarnate on RSL
Champion image: The Incarnate on Raid Shadow Legends


NAME: The incarnate
FACTION: High Elves
SCARCITY: Legendary
ROLE: Defense

Total Stats (6 Stars)

Health points (HP): 19.320
Attack (ATK): 804
Defense (DEF): 1.487
Speed (SPD): 99
Critical Rate (C. Rate): 14%
Crit Damage (C. DMG): 50%
Resistance (RESIST): 39
Precision (PRÉ): 19

Battle of the

Campaign :☆☆☆☆
Faction Crypt:?
Arena defense:☆☆
Arena attack:☆☆
Clan Boss:
Hydra :


Minotaur's Labyrinth :☆☆☆
Spider's lair:☆☆
Castle of the Fire Knight :
The dragon's lair:
Ice Golem Peak:
Fort Jumeaux de Fer :☆☆☆
Demon Necropolis:☆☆☆☆
Shogun Wood:☆☆☆


Wave Tower of Woe:?
Magma Dragon:✔️
Frost Spider:👍
Spider of nothingness (poison):👍
Scarab :✔️

(Doom Tower)

Dragon Eternel :👍
Griffon :?
Dark Fairy :
Secret room :?
Annotations :
"Mandatory - Strongly recommended = ✔️
Usable - recommended = 👍
Unusable - not recommended =
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The Skills of : Incarnate

A1 = Attack the intruder

Attack an enemy twice. Each hit has a 30 % chance of placing a debuff [Provocation] for 1 turn.

Has 10 % counter-attack chance when a Arbitrate is struck. Occurs once per strike.

  • Lvl. 2 Damage +5 %
  • Lvl. 3 Damage +5 %
  • Level 4 Buff/Debuff chance +10 %
  • Level 5 Buff/Debuff chance +10 %

Damage based on : DEF
Multiplier: 1.8

A2 = Formation : Phalanx | CD = 4 turns

Attacks all enemies. 75 % chance to remove all buffs [Shield] and 1 random buff to all enemies.

Then place a buff [Shield] on all allies for 2 turns. The value of [Shield] is proportional to the Champion's DEF.

  • Lvl. 2 Damage +10 %
  • Lvl. 3 Damage +10 %
  • Level 4 Buff/Debuff chance +10 %
  • Level 5 Buff/Debuff chance +15 %
  • Lvl. 6 Cooldown -1

Damage based on : DEF
Multiplier: 3.6

A3 = Defensive measures | CD = 5 turns

Place a buff [Ally Protection] 50 % on all allies except this Champion for 2 turns.

Also places a buff [To reinforce] 25 TP27T on all allies for 2 turns.

  • Lvl. 2 Cooldown -1
  • Lvl. 3 Cooldown -1

[P] Crisis response | CD = 4 turns

Increases this Champion's NEP by 20 points for each buffed ally [Ally protection].

When killed, resets the cooldown of the skill Fate's call for the Referees allies. If several Champions in the team have this Skill, the effect will only be activated once.

[P2] Supreme goal | CD = 4 turns

Increases this Champion's RES by 20 points for each buffed ally [Ally protection].

This Champion will also receive 20 % of damage from allied Arbiters. If several Champions in the team have this Skill, this effect will only be activated once.

If an allied Arbiter is about to be killed by a critical hit, grant it a buff. [Invincible] for 1 turn. If several Champions in the team have this Skill, the effect is activated only once.


Which artifacts / set for : L'incarnée (The Incarnate)

Artifacts BEFORE sets! Always the most important thing to know! We explain it in real detail in the ebook available here:

Which set for : L'incarnée

Set of equipment that I advise you on the champion: (Finishing a set is a bonus, not an obligation)
  • Speed, Resistance

Which statistics to look for first : Incarnate

Priority of stats and sub-stats of artifacts:
    • Weapon (Attack)
    • Helmet (HP)
    • Shield (Defense)
    • Gloves (Critical Rate, Critical Damage)
    • Torso (ATK%)
    • Boots (Speed)
    • Ring (ATK)
    • Amulet (Critical Damage)
    • Banner (ATK)

What mastery for The Incarnate?

What you need to know about master's degrees.

We give you advice on mastery. These master's degrees will help you in 95 % of cases, but you have to try to understand why a particular choice was made. The best thing would be to understand why certain masteries have been recommended to you, so that you can modify 1 or 2 masteries in your choice according to your needs.

Quelle Grâce pour L'incarnée (The Incarnate)?

We advise you :
  • Sulfur (2 level 1 ,2 or 3 max per team) Sulfur (2 level 1 ,2 or 3 max per team)

History of L'incarnée

It's often said that necessity is the mother of invention. But inventions born of necessity are usually conceived without long-term vision, hastily assembled and, in the end, a source of regret. Such is the case with the Incarnate, a constructed being born of a process now repudiated by the Arbiter. No matter how well-intentioned, a desperate imprudence remains an imprudence.

"The Incarnate" refers to one individual, among a handful of similar beings still in existence, but each Incarnate is so similar to the others in appearance and mannerisms that Telerians who have heard of them think there is only one. If scholars would be intrigued to learn that there is more than one Incarnate, they would be shocked to learn that there were once hundreds or more. But the chaos and desolation of the Great Divorce, an event which for most Telerians marks the dawn of a significant era, obscured their numbers from the eyes of history. This event, nothing less than a war between the gods, was the great necessity that drove the Arbiter to commit an act of abnormal ambition and hubris: trapping souls in artificial fabrications, creating perfect immortal soldiers. These fabrications all resembled the Arbiter herself: a manifestation of the Light's ordaining nature. The Arbiter did what she knew, again and again.

It took centuries of work and reflection following the Divorce, before the Arbiter created the Éclats. The Incarnates, his first clumsy attempts at a similar concept, were flawed on levels that the Arbiter came to regret eternally. The Shards preserve a mortal being in his state at the time of his Sharding, with all his will and memories, his health and vigor, and his ability to live, learn and grow old. But the spiritual crystals that fed the Incarnates were simplistic, tearing the soul from its essence, and obliterating all individuality and free will. However, as with the bodies of the mis en Éclat, Incarnées could persist beyond corporeal destruction: if the Incarnée's constructed body was destroyed, the soul would persist within the gem and could function on a new Incarnée body.

A great sacrifice was required, however, to procure souls to feed the manufacture of Incarnates. The souls of the Incarnates were not volunteers, as are the bodies of the Soul Bearers, but Elves, more steadfast than others in their loyalty to Lumaya. They were asked to volunteer to fight for the Goddess, and were lied to about how they would do so. It was an act of terrible tyranny, barely excused by the circumstances of an existential war, a fact that quickly gnawed at the Arbiter's conscience. In her darkest hours, the Arbiter herself had foreshadowed the vile methods of necromancers and Revenants Chevaliers centuries later, who are now her sworn enemies.

Nevertheless, the Incarnates, made by the magic of the Arbiter and animated by the residue of brilliant elven souls, were strong, inexhaustible and absolutely obedient, totally resistant to Siroth's temptations. The Dwarves, who had been among Lumaya's most devoted allies during the Great Divorce, fought admirably, but they were mere mortals. For a time, Lumaya's army defended itself valiantly against the Firstborn and the Forgedouleurs aligned with Siroth. The Arbiter and Lumaya were losing the battle, even with the Incarnates on their side, and the Elves' sacrifices had been in vain. Siroth's enticing whispers subverted many of the Firstborn to his cause, and it was a loss too great for the forces of Light to overcome. In a desperate attempt, Lumaya and the Arbiter created the Great Curse: an unstoppable banishment spell that drove the gods and Firstborn out of Teleria, ending the war.

All that remained were the mortal races, and a single Firstborn; the Arbiter, whose divine essences of Light and Darkness had been transfused into Teleria's own Light and Darkness, making her immune to banishment. With her, guarding the gleaming geometric perfection of her fortress and stoically gazing down upon him, were hundreds of her Incarnates. Each was an eerily silent version of herself. It was then that the horror of what the Arbiter had created struck her.

She sadly deactivated most of them and abandoned their primitive proto-Eclats. She destroyed the carcasses of the Incarnates, then crushed the gems one by one with an apologetic murmur for each, releasing the Elves' souls to a real and final death, and their place in the telluric lines of Teleria. She kept only a few, to serve as avatars, decoys and ultimate contingencies, should the Arbiter's Shards fail.

Today, as in the past, with no will of their own, the Incarnates act only under the orders of the Arbiter, content to guard his properties and allies, and attack the forces of Darkness when they have received no other instruction. When they do, the Arbiter's enemies rage and flee in the face of their sacred presence. Even when the Incarnates fight to protect Lumaya's servants, their allies remain troubled by the presence of these impassive masked automatons.

Release date :


How to obtain L'incarnée

You can have the champion: Antique Splinters, Sacred Splinters

List of buffs and debuffs for : Incarnate

The list of buffs for himself:

The champion's buffs that he only puts on himself:
  • Shield

Team buffs list:

The buffs the champion puts on the whole team:
  • Reinforce 25%, Protect Allies 50%

The champion's debuff list:

The debuffs the champion puts on opponents:
  • Provocation

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