Guide to Slixus Peau-zébrée artifact and mastery - Raid Shadow Legends

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Guide to mastery, grace and artifact on Slixus Stripehide on RSL
Last name Slixus Peau-zébrée in English = (Slixus Stripehide)
Notice  Read Alucare's review of : Slixus Peau-zébrée
Masters  Masterships for : Slixus Peau-zébrée
Graces Graces for : Slixus Peau-zébrée
Guide to mastery, grace and artifact on Slixus Stripehide on RSL
Champion image: Slixus Stripehide on Raid Shadow Legends


NAME: Slixus Peau-zébrée
FACTION: Lizardmen
ROLE: Attack

Total Stats (6 Stars)

Health points (HP): 14.535
Attack (ATK): 1.454
Defense (DEF): 881
Speed (SPD): 100
Critical Rate (C. Rate): 15%
Crit Damage (C. DMG): 59%
Resistance (RESIST): 30
Precision (PRÉ): 0

Battle of the

Campaign :☆☆☆☆
Faction Crypt:?
Arena defense:
Arena attack:
Clan Boss:☆☆☆
Hydra :☆☆☆


Minotaur's Labyrinth :?
Spider's lair:☆☆☆
Castle of the Fire Knight :☆☆☆☆
The dragon's lair:☆☆☆☆
Ice Golem Peak:☆☆☆
Fort Jumeaux de Fer :☆☆☆
Demon Necropolis:☆☆☆☆
Shogun Wood:☆☆☆


Wave Tower of Woe:?
Magma Dragon:👍
Frost Spider:
Spider of nothingness (poison):
Scarab :

(Doom Tower)

Dragon Eternel :
Griffon :👍
Dark Fairy :
Secret room :?
Annotations :
"Mandatory - Strongly recommended = ✔️
Usable - recommended = 👍
Unusable - not recommended =
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Skills of : Slixus Zebra-skin

A1 = Harmonious stroke

Attacks an enemy 2 times. Each strike has a 15 % chance of placing a debuff. [Stun] for 1 turn.


  • Level 2 Damage +5%
  • Level 3 Damage +10%
  • Level 4 Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
  • Level 5 Buff/Debuff Chance +10%

Damage based on : ATQ
Multiplier: 1.85

A2 = Irrevocability blades | CD = 4 turns

Attack an enemy twice. Each hit will ignore buffs [Shield], [DEF Increase] and [Reinforce].

Each strike also heals this Champion to the tune of 20 % of the damage inflicted.

  • Level 2 Damage +10%
  • Level 3 Damage +15%
  • Level 4 Recharge time -1

Damage based on : ATQ
Multiplier: 2.65

A3 = Dragon Shuriken | CD = 5 turns

Attack all enemies. Before attacking, place a buff [C RATE increase.] of 30 % and a buff [Increased C DMG] of 30 % on this Champion for 2 turns.

  • Lvl. 2 Damage +10 %
  • Lvl. 3 Damage +10 %
  • Lvl. 4 Damage +10 %
  • Lvl. 5 Cooldown -1
  • Lvl. 6 Cooldown -1

Damage based on : ATQ
Multiplier: 3.3

[P] Sanctified killer

Increases this Champion's C. DEG by 10 % each time it kills an enemy (accumulates to 30 %). These accumulations will not reset after death.

If competence Irrevocability blades of this Champion kills an enemy, the next skill he uses will ignore 30 % of the target's DEF.


Increases ATTACK in all battles by 28

Which artifacts / set for : Slixus Stripehide (Slixus Peau-zébrée)

Artifacts BEFORE sets! Always the most important thing to know! We explain it in real detail in the ebook available here:

Which set for : Slixus Peau-zébrée

Set of equipment that I advise you on the champion: (Finishing a set is a bonus, not an obligation)
  • Speed, Critical Damage, Critical Rate

Which statistics should I look for in : Slixus Peau-zébrée

Priority of stats and sub-stats of artifacts:
  • Speed
    • Weapon (Attack)
    • Helmet (HP)
    • Shield (Defense)
    • Gloves (Critical Rate, Critical Damage)
    • Torso (ATK%)
    • Boots (Speed)
    • Ring (HP, DEF)
    • Amulet (HP, DEF)
    • Banner (ATK)

Which masteries for Slixus Stripehide?

What you need to know about master's degrees.

We give you advice on mastery. These master's degrees will help you in 95 % of cases, but you have to try to understand why a particular choice was made. The best thing would be to understand why certain masteries have been recommended to you, so that you can modify 1 or 2 masteries in your choice according to your needs.

Which Grace for Slixus Stripehide?

We advise you :
  • miraculous care miraculous care

History of Slixus Peau-zébrée

At the height of their power, countless political regimes fell under the imperial domination of the Dragon Descendants. The vast majority of Dragon Descendants saw themselves as paternalistically superior to those they ruled, but a few, like Slixus Peau-zébrée, saw the Dragon Descendants' self-proclaimed "civilizing mission" as hegemonic exploitation. Slixus traveled as far as the distant Lands of Dawn, not at all sharing the ambitions of his fellow Descendants.

There, he met the Jiinang Som: followers of a new spiritual movement. They taught temperance and reverence for all innocent life, abstaining from eating meat and needlessly harming living things. On the other hand, they trained in the martial arts to combat the impure forces of disharmony and fear, the better to preserve life in general. Slixus saw their selflessness and compassion as a stark contrast to the insensitive, authoritarian ways of the Dragon Descendants, and asked to become an apprentice. The Jiinang members, renouncing the concept of pride in their identity, accepted him as a brother.

For years, Slixus trained within the Jiinang Som in remote monasteries and villages in the north-western hinterland of Yakai, avoiding the temptations and distractions of "civilization". Thanks to his isolation, Slixus was spared all knowledge of the horrors of Dragon Sin and the fall of the Empire. When his training was complete, he began his journey home, hoping to spread the teachings of the Jiinang among the Dragon Descendants. He was horrified by what he discovered. Velyzar and Ireth were overrun with refugees, and the guard towers on the border marches were crumbling and overrun by Nomads. The survivors told him of the horrors that had befallen Torcelin Istriv, and after he requisitioned a boat to go there and see for himself, he was distressed to see the burnt ruins and blackened bones of the dead.

Among the survivors, some warlords considered themselves heirs to the Empire and wished to re-establish it, but most of the remaining Dragon Descendants followed the teachings of Ramantu Sang-Drake: he urged his people to reject their status as Dragon Descendants and call themselves Lizardmen, to consider themselves more like the reptiles that crawl in the dust. But from Slixus's point of view, Ramantu's behavior was misguided.

The degrading name of Lizardmen, and self-sacrificing self-pity, were not true repentance, Slixus believed, but an attempt to cover up and forget past wrongs and dispel generational guilt. He firmly believed that the Lizardmen should adopt the principles of the Jiinang Som, with its strict conditions of acceptable violence and its insistence on constant spiritual awareness. Otherwise, no matter how much Ramantu admonished them, the Lizardmen would eventually forget their humiliation and return to warlike ambitions. Slixus considered himself neither a Lizard Man nor a Dragon Descendant, but a Jiinang Som.

This led to his isolation. He converted a few Lizardmen of the diaspora to Peltas and incurred the wrath of both the Lizardmen and the Dragon Descendants aspiring evangelists. He had to call on all his martial arts skills, honed atop icy peaks and under raging waterfalls, to protect himself against the angry crowds. Rejected, defeated and desperate, Slixus returned to his Yakai spiritual home after the First Great War, planning to return to his blessed isolation and rejection of the world. Alone on a high mountain pass, he looked up over the path and saw the Arbiter before him. He knelt before her splendor and heard her wise words: hiding in the face of trouble wasn't going to solve anything, but if he joined her as an agent, a holy assassin and spy opposed to the proud servants of Darkness, and accepted a home within the Shards she had recently developed, he could live to discover whether the Lizardmen would ever be receptive to the Jiinang way.

Release date :


How to get Slixus Peau-zébrée

You can have the champion: Antique Splinters, Sacred Splinters

List of buffs and debuff of : Slixus Zebra-skin

The list of buffs for himself:

The champion's buffs that he only puts on himself:
  • +30% Critical Rate, +30% Critical Damage

Team buffs list:

The buffs the champion puts on the whole team:
  • Shield

The champion's debuff list:

The debuffs the champion puts on opponents:
  • Stun

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