Guide to Wixwell Garde-Caveau artifact and mastery - Raid Shadow Legends

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Mastery, grace and artifact guide to Wixwell Vault Keeper on RSL
Last name Wixwell Garde-Caveau in English = (Vault Keeper Wixwell)
Notice  Read Alucare's review of : Wixwell Cellar Guard
Masters  Masterpieces for: Wixwell Garde-Caveau
Graces Graces for: Wixwell Garde-Caveau
Mastery, grace and artifact guide to Wixwell Vault Keeper on RSL
Champion's image: Wixwell Garde-Caveau (Vault Keeper Wixwell) on Raid Shadow Legends


NAME: Wixwell Cellar Guard
FACTION: Sacred Order
SCARCITY: Legendary
ROLE: Defense

Total Stats (6 Stars)

Health points (HP): 19650
Attack (ATK): 771
Defense (DEF): 1498
Speed (SPD): 102
Critical Rate (C. Rate): 15%
Crit Damage (C. DMG): 50%
Resistance (RESIST): 49
Precision (PRÉ): -1

Battle of the

Campaign :☆☆☆☆
Faction Crypt:
Arena defense:
Arena attack:
Clan Boss:
Hydra :


Minotaur's Labyrinth :☆☆
Spider's lair:☆☆
Castle of the Fire Knight :☆☆☆
The dragon's lair:
Ice Golem Peak:
Fort Jumeaux de Fer :☆☆☆
Demon Necropolis:☆☆☆☆
Shogun Wood:☆☆☆☆


Wave Tower of Woe:?
Magma Dragon:✔️
Frost Spider:👍
Spider of nothingness (poison):👍
Scarab :✔️

(Doom Tower)

Dragon Eternel :👍
Griffon :👍
Dark Fairy :
Secret room :?
Annotations :
"Mandatory - Strongly recommended = ✔️
Usable - recommended = 👍
Unusable - not recommended =
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The Skills of : Wixwell Cellar Guard

A1 = Death Bolt

Attacks an enemy 2 times. Each strike has a 40% chance of placing a debuff. [Provocation] for 1 turn. If the target is a Boss, the chances increase to 80%.

  • Lvl. 2 Damage +10%
  • Lvl. 3 Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
  • Lvl. 4 Damage +10%
  • Lvl. 5 Buff/Debuff Chance +10%

Damage based on : DEF
Multiplier: 1.5

A2 = Knowledge storm | CD = 4 turns

Attack all enemies.

Has 75% chance to place a debuff [ATQ Reduction] of 50% for 2 turns. Also increases the duration of all allied buffs by 1 turn.

Then, increase the value of all [Shield] on all allies. The value of each [Shield] is increased in proportion to the total number of buffs whose duration has been increased.

  • Lvl. 2 Damage +10%
  • Lvl. 3 Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
  • Level 4 Damage +10%
  • Lvl. 5 Buff/Debuff Chance +15%
  • Lvl. 6 Cooldown -1

Damage based on : DEF
Multiplier: 3.5

A3 = Codex intercipio | CD = 5 turns

Place 2 stacks of[Interception] on the targeted ally.

Place a buff [DEF Increase] of 60% and a buff [Shield] on all allies for 2 turns. The value of [Shield] is proportional to that Champion's DEF.

  • Lvl. 2 Cooldown-1
  • Lvl. 3 Cooldown -1

[P] Isolated dementia

At the start of each round, place a buff [Counter attack] on this Champion for 1 turn. This buff cannot be removed.

At the end of this Champion's turn, grant him a buff [Counter attack] for 1 turn.


Increases DEFENSE in all battles by 28

Which artifacts / set for: Wixwell Garde-Caveau (Vault Keeper Wixwell)

Artifacts BEFORE sets! Always the most important thing to know! We explain it in real detail in the ebook available here:

Which set for: Wixwell Garde-Caveau

Set of equipment that I advise you on the champion: (Finishing a set is a bonus, not an obligation)
  • Speed, Perception, Protection, Guardian

Which statistics should I look for first: Wixwell Garde-Caveau

Priority of stats and sub-stats of artifacts:
  • Speed, PV%, DEF%
    • Weapon (Attack)
    • Helmet (HP)
    • Shield (Defense)
    • Gloves (HP%, DEF%)
    • Torso (HP%, DEF%, Resistance)
    • Boots (Speed, PV%, DEF%)
    • Ring (HP, DEF)
    • Amulet (HP, DEF)
    • Banner (HP, DEF, Resistance)

What masteries does Wixwell Garde-Caveau (Vault Keeper Wixwell) have?

What you need to know about master's degrees.

We give you advice on mastery. These master's degrees will help you in 95 % of cases, but you have to try to understand why a particular choice was made. The best thing would be to understand why certain masteries have been recommended to you, so that you can modify 1 or 2 masteries in your choice according to your needs.

What's the Grace of Wixwell Vault Keeper?

We advise you :
  • Cruelty Cruelty

History of Wixwell Garde-Caveau

Wixwell Garde-Caveau was raised in a monastery in Renaissance Earth. Although indoctrinated from childhood, he was rebellious, defiant and transgressive. While rummaging in the monastery's wine cellar as a young boy, he accidentally triggered a hidden pressure plate. The back of a wine barrel burst open, revealing a secret compartment with a trapdoor. Overexcited, Wixwell climbed down the cobwebbed ladder into the antechamber of a vast cavern that stretched far into the darkness.

Then he heard footsteps above and feared it might be Edicus, the monastery's old janitor. Wixwell discreetly climbed the ladder and hid, planning to return during the night. To his surprise, when he did, the man was in the secret room, sorting and storing various objects in chests. Edicus saw him, but didn't seem to be angry, just stunned and nervous. Wixwell ran away and tried to avoid the old man, but he couldn't do so for very long. Finally, Edicus confronted him and the boy threatened to tell his elders about the secret chamber unless Edicus told him the truth. The guardian frowned at first, but noticing the boy's intense curiosity, he relented and told Wixwell never to repeat what he was about to learn.

Edicus was, in fact, a Cave Keeper. The antechamber was merely the entrance to an enormous network of caverns that even Edicus had never fully explored, forming a massive vault for the Arbiter's treasures and Shards. Wixwell sneered, as the Order rejected the Arbiter's authority. Edicus told the boy to come back for more, to open his mind beyond dogma. Wixwell agreed, though he was more intrigued by the cave than by a doctrinal discussion.

After many more secret lessons, Edicus convinced Wixwell that the Order had made a terrible mistake in rejecting the Arbiter. He showed Wixwell the apocrypha of the vault, the tales of heroes preserved in its Shards to protect Teleria. Wixwell cautiously tested the limits of heresy when questioning his mentors, and the violent backlash he received confirmed the hypocritical and selfish nature of the Sacred Order.

When Wixwell's guardians sent him on a pilgrimage to mark his coming-of-age, he secretly turned back and went down into the caves. When he didn't return, his masters vilified him as an apostate. Edicus, aged and ill, made Wixwell his successor. Wixwell decided that, to better protect the cave, he would have to explore it.

The contents of the vault were scattered to protect them from mass theft and hidden in carefully calculated disorder. Ancient charms, scrolls and amulets were concealed in niches and under stones, weapons and armor rested behind obscure cobwebs and the priceless Shards were camouflaged within piles of inferior jewels. Artificial tunnels linked different rooms, some stalagmites were actually secret switches, and optical illusions disguised corridors. Traps were common, including doors that slammed behind Wixwell and stone stunners. Mysteries and mechanisms only attracted him.

Months turned into years as Wixwell ventured further afield, feeding on mushrooms, cave fish and spring water. After more than a decade of meticulous mapping, Wixwell emerged from the darkness at the entrance to a cave deep in the mountains surrounding Renaissance Land. He noted the exit and turned back, totally obsessed with the Chthonian world he had sworn to protect.

Wixwell stored maps and treasures in a sturdy, riddle-locked chest, which he strapped to his body. He also used a huge copper key that he had found both as a walking stick and as a weapon against the beasts that dwell in the darkness. Over the years, Wixwell's "maps" became erratic and extremely stylized, with abbreviations and glyphs that only he could understand. His mind weakened from isolation and darkness. His hair and beard grew and whitened as he aged, but he remained fit and strong thanks to the demands of his constant travels. He spoke to himself in an incessant monologue.

After around seventy years, Wixwell met Annaliste Adelyn, who was exploring the vault after discovering one of its entrances. Wixwell recoiled from the light of her torch, gibbering and muttering in an unknown language, behaving like a frightened animal. Adelyn had to show great patience and kindness to coax Wixwell until he trusted her enough to reveal the life of secrets and tales preserved in his aged head. She soon learned that Wixwell still had a large part of the vault to explore, and that he was extremely powerful thanks to the sum of magical knowledge he had acquired over the years spent reading hundreds of spell scrolls hidden in the enormous archive.

Adelyn wasn't sure whether to drag Wixwell out of the caves and into the modern network of Vault Guards or let him spend his final years pursuing his obsession. She did, however, ask if Wixwell wished to train a successor, which left him in a state of deep cogitation. Every time she returns to visit him, Adelyn asks the question, but he never has an answer.

Release date :


How to get Wixwell Cellar Guard

You can have the champion: Antique Splinters, Sacred Splinters

List of buffs and debuffs of : Wixwell Cellar Guard

The list of buffs for himself:

The champion's buffs that he only puts on himself:
  • Counter attack, Shield, +60% defense

The champion's debuff list:

The debuffs the champion puts on opponents:
  • -50% Attack, Taunt

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