Guide to Yncensa Artifact graal-holder and mastery - Raid Shadow Legends

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Guide to mastery, grace and artifacts on Yncensa Grail-bearer on RSL
Last name Yncensa Porte-graal in English = (Yncensa Grail-bearer)
Notice  Alucare's opinion on : Yncensa Grain carrier
Masters  Masters for: Yncensa Porte-graal
Graces Graces for: Yncensa Porte-graal
Guide to mastery, grace and artifacts on Yncensa Grail-bearer on RSL
Champion image: Yncensa Grail-bearer on Raid Shadow Legends


NAME: Yncensa Grain carrier
FACTION: Sylvan Watchers
SCARCITY: Legendary
ROLE: Support

Total Stats (6 Stars)

Health points (HP): 18660
Attack (ATK): 1200
Defense (DEF): 1133
Speed (SPD): 110
Critical Rate (C. Rate): 15%
Crit Damage (C. DMG): 50%
Resistance (RESIST): 29
Precision (PRÉ): 20

Battle of the

Campaign :☆☆
Faction Crypt:?
Arena defense:☆☆
Arena attack:☆☆
Clan Boss:
Hydra :


Minotaur's Labyrinth :☆☆
Spider's lair:☆☆
Castle of the Fire Knight :☆☆
The dragon's lair:☆☆
Ice Golem Peak:☆☆
Fort Jumeaux de Fer :☆☆
Demon Necropolis:☆☆
Shogun Wood:


Wave Tower of Woe:?
Magma Dragon:✔️
Frost Spider:
Spider of nothingness (poison):👍
Scarab :👍

(Doom Tower)

Dragon Eternel :✔️
Griffon :✔️
Dark Fairy :👍
Secret room :?
Annotations :
"Mandatory - Strongly recommended = ✔️
Usable - recommended = 👍
Unusable - not recommended =
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The Skills of : Yncensa Grail Carrier

A1 = Battle catalyst

Attack all them enemies. Posseof 50 % of chances of to place a debuff [Reduction d'ATQ] of 50 % for 2 towers. L'To

llie having them DEG VS. them more eleves go to seal ealso at I'offensive on I'enemy Before the less of HP. L'allie who joins I'offensive will use her competence by demust.

  • Level. 2 Degâts +5 %
  • Level. 3 Chances of Buff/Debuff +10 %
  • Level. 4 Degâts +5 %
  • Level. 5 Chances of Buff/Debuff +10 %

Damage based on : ATQ
Multiplier: 3

A2 = Fumées du graal | CD = 5 tours

Place a buff [Poison Cloud], a buff [SPD Increase] of 30 % and two buffs [Continuing Care] of 15 % on an allied target during 2 rounds.

Also fills the target's Turn Counter by 50 %.

  • Level 2 Recharge time -1
  • Level 3 Recharge time -1

A3 = Malignant tumor | CD = 5 turns

Attack all them enemies. Posseof 75 % of chances of to place a debuff [Reduction of DEF] of 60 % and a debuff [Weakening] of 25 % for 2 towers.

Ignore them buffs [Blocking of the Debuffs].

  • Level. 2 Chances of Buff/Debuff +10 %
  • Level. 3 Chances of Buff/Debuff +15 %
  • Level. 4 Time of recharge 1
  • Level. 5 Time of recharge 1

Damage based on : ATQ
Multiplier: 4.5

[P] Incense

Increases this Champion's NEP by 10 points for each buff on each enemy.

As soon as an enemy receives a buff, its Turn Counter is reduced by 10 %.


Increases PRECISION in all battles by 70

Which artifacts / set for: Yncensa Grail-bearer

Artifacts BEFORE sets! Always the most important thing to know! We explain it in real detail in the ebook available here:

Which set for: Yncensa Grail holder

Set of equipment that I advise you on the champion: (Finishing a set is a bonus, not an obligation)
  • Speed, Perception, Cursed, Guardian

Which statistics should I look for first: Yncensa Porte-graal

Priority of stats and sub-stats of artifacts:
  • Speed, HP%, DEF%, Resistance
    • Weapon (Attack)
    • Helmet (HP)
    • Shield (Defense)
    • Gloves (HP%)
    • Torso (ATK%)
    • Boots (Speed)
    • Ring (ATK)
    • Amulet (Critical Damage)
    • Banner (ATK)

Which masteries for Yncensa Grail-bearer?

What you need to know about master's degrees.

We give you advice on mastery. These master's degrees will help you in 95 % of cases, but you have to try to understand why a particular choice was made. The best thing would be to understand why certain masteries have been recommended to you, so that you can modify 1 or 2 masteries in your choice according to your needs.

Which Grace for Yncensa Grail-bearer?

We advise you :
  • Cruelty Cruelty
  • Sulfur (2 level 1 ,2 or 3 max per team) Sulfur (2 level 1 ,2 or 3 max per team)

History of Yncensa Porte-graal

Sylvan herbalists and naturalists are the envy of the world, and in her day, Yncensa Porte-graal was the best of them all. Her research in botany, toxicology and medicine left a legacy that lives on to this day. She was more than just a theorist: she was a warrior, fighting to protect the natural sanctity of the Bois de Brume against the forces that subverted and exploited its flora.

During the Age of Treachery, Demonic Rejects infiltrated the Heart Tree and awakened an evil seed planted there a thousand years before by Siroth, when he first turned against the mortal world. Thus began the Sylvan Corruption: a terrible mutation that spread throughout the Heart Tree and the surrounding forest. The taint seeped into the Rhythm, driving Sylvans mad and causing clashes between relatives, between Fairy Beast bosses and Elven clients, and between villages. Plants and animals seized by the Corruption were transformed into violent mutants, exaggerating their features in favor of lethality. The Tree also called many of these creatures to itself and absorbed them, "learning" their characteristics. He then used this repertoire of fangs, claws, spines and poisons to produce a myriad of monstrous hybrids.

Arborists and guards were coming across these sinister specimens with increasing frequency, and Yncensa, already an eminent expert on plants and herbs, was one of the first to realize that no known natural disease or parasite could be responsible. It was nothing less than the Darkness of Siroth, and when it became clear that the Heart Tree had succumbed to their ancient adversary, the Sylvans took desperate action. Yncensa assumed a leadership position as the fight against Corruption gathered momentum and the sense of urgency grew. She knew how nature worked, and was eloquent enough to sway skeptics and rally supporters.

Decades of war raged on as the Corruption Bubble grew and new magic-born horrors emerged from the rotting branches of the Heart Tree. When not casting purification and eradication spells on the battlefield, Yncensa worked obsessively on samples of corrupted plant and animal tissue, seeking to better understand the Sylvans' enemy. It was during this exhausting period that she first used her famous grail: a precision alchemical magic receptacle carved from rare oak wood, coated with enchantments and crafted with extreme precision. Its surface was smooth and clean, endowed with the ability never to absorb the ichors and toxins it contained, but rather to contain and separate them for blending and distillation. With such an instrument for his research, Yncensa achieved many breakthroughs while spreading no contaminants.

Yncensa learned a great deal about Corruption and documented the hundreds of creatures to which it had given birth. She sought a way to combine her magic and alchemy, to enhance the power and reach of each to help her people overcome the spreading onslaught. At this point in the Corruption, the Sylvans, from their new capital of Nyresa, had welcomed the Shadow Clan rebels as allies and sent emissaries to the Dwarves of the Celestial Iron Territory, begging for help. Yncensa traveled to a famous Dwarven workshop and showed them his enchanted grail, asking if they could improve its design. The Dwarves were intrigued and agreed. Once they had completed their work, it burned with a magical flame to obviate the need for external heating of the receptacle, and could be attached to Yncensa's battle staff, the grain of its wood aligning with the weapon for perfect attunement.

Through experimentation and painful trial and error, Yncensa concocted plant compounds that weakened or purged Corruption, and with her graal-wand, she could channel these natural purifiers into magical puffs of vapor. Yncensa Porte-graal purged thousands of offspring of the Corrupted Tree: flame-spitting panther-beetles, bark spiders with tentacles and acid fangs, multi-headed needle-bears with enormous claw-footed claws, and a multitude of others. Thanks to the grail's eternal cleanliness, it was simple for Yncensa to extract Corruption-eradicating compounds, and replace them with purifying herbs from her many pouches and vials whenever necessary. She transformed a single dose into a stream of revitalizing energy, capable of simultaneously restoring several sylvan warriors to full combat effectiveness. She also needed her powers to heal herself, for after continuous exposure to Corruption, the wounds she had received and the effects of failed experiments had left their mark.

With fire and steel, the Nyresian coalition of Sylvans, Skyiron Dwarves and Shadow Clan rebels repelled the Corruption and finally burned the Tree of Darkness, putting an end to the nightmare. But Yncensa couldn't share in this joyous moment, for her years of incessant toil finally caught up with her. The noxious fumes had damaged her lungs and poisoned her blood, and even with her own thauma-botanical genius, she couldn't reverse the decline. Before Yncensa atrophied and died forever, the Arbiter saved her on her deathbed and placed her in a Shard. Now, Teleria's greatest herbalist lives on to offer her help and advice to Teleria's ancient guardian.

Release date :


How to get Yncensa Seed Carrier

You can have the champion: Nil shards

List of buffs and debuff of : Yncensa Graal-holder

Team buffs list:

The buffs the champion puts on the whole team:
  • Continuous care 15%, +30% speed

The champion's debuff list:

The debuffs the champion puts on opponents:
  • -60% Defense, -50% Attack, Debuff 30%

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